
School Climate State Coordinator: hib@doe.nj.gov
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Ms. Heidi Fuller
(609)-268-0220 ext. 2007
Anti-Bullying Specialist
Ms. Marlana Moore
(609)-268-0220 ext. 2106
Anti-Bullying Specialist
Mr. Ryan Vaux
(609)-268-0440 ext. 1201
Anti-Bullying Information
Bullying/HIB Fast Facts for Families
Anti-Bullying Grade Report 22-23
Incident Reporting Forms
HIB 338 Form – Families / Caregivers Fillable form, but completed form must be emailed or delivered to appropriate school.
HIB 338 Form, Family-Caregiver, Spanish
HIB 338 Form – LEA Staff / Contractors
Guidance for Parents on Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Shamong Township School District HIB-Bullying Policy 5512
Know The "No" In Bullying
Incidents, either on or off school grounds
Can be a single incident or series of incidents
Includes any gesture, or any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication
Must be based on:
Any actual or perceived characteristic
EXAMPLES: races, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or mental/physical/sensory disability, or ANY OTHER DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICMust substantially disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students;
Must meet one of the following conditions in additions to causing substantial disruption or interference;
Has effect of insulting or demeaning student or group of students OR creates hostile educational environment for student by interfering with student's education OR severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to student. "
NJ DOE Self-Assessment
On December 22, 2015, the New Jersey Department of Education released the Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bills of Rights District and School Grade Report for the Shamong Township School District. This report is one of the requirements under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.
In order to foster safe and positive learning conditions for students, the school and district grades are part of an integrated process for reinforcing and strengthening a school's climate and culture through prevention and intervention efforts targeted toward harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The data gathered on the Self-Assessment Report is used to identify and address areas for improvement.
The maximum total number of points a school may receive is 78. Indian Mills Elementary School received a 72 and Indian Mills Middle School received a 76 for the 2020-2021 school year. The school district's grade was a 74, this is an average of the total scores of both of the schools in our district. A letter grade is not issued for schools or the district.
News And Web Resources
CNN News Special on Bullying
NJ Information On Bullying
Government Bullying Site
NJ Resources
Making Safer Choices Online
Stop Cyber Bullying